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EMF reports for property owners, buyers or sellers

Why test for radiation?
Testing for Electromagnetic Frequency or Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF / EMR), survey, and reporting services are increasingly being used by real estate sales agents to help buyers. In a competitive environment offering the option of an EMR / EMF survey can actually help add confidence and trust - especially if the property is found to be within relatively safe levels. Most often we will find that readings are within acceptable levels.
Most at risk from radiation exposure are pregnant women, infants and children, immune-compromised, the elderly, the infirm, and people suffering from electro-magnetic hypersensitivity. Having a survey done can help reassure these people and their carers that they are moving into a relatively safe environment.
EMF Testing for Buyers
Buyers are more aware than ever of the issues surrounding magnetic and electrical radiation. Most people would prefer to know about any issues rather than imagining a problem that may actually be minor and be able to be remedied.
Some radiation is what we would call ambient, meaning it may originate from sources outside of a property but still be measurable. Sources of ambient radiation might include adjacent power lines, cell towers, LED street lighting, signal boosters, and other buildings nearby.
Unless you to live in an area that has poor mobile phone reception, poor internet service, no high tech industry, no overhead electricity cables, and no neighbours - you can't escape man-made radiation. The good news however is that in areas that offer all the convenience of technology you can undertake remedial actions to reduce both exposure and effects of localised radiation.
Buyers with family and children will be happier to know what can be done to reduce exposure and effects.
Many buyers will not be concerned about radiation which is fine as a personal choice but many will wish to know that their new property is relatively safe and what can be done to mitigate any issues.
EMF Testing for Sellers
Sellers are also aware that buyers might wish to know about issues, or indeed lack of issues, of radiation on a sale property.
The seller may opt to preempt the question of the levels of EMF / EMR by providing a recent survey report in the property. The report, especially if favourable, can be provided as part of the sales agents sales kit.
The choice remains with the seller which has the advantage of not placing the agent directly in the position of disclosure.
Also as mentioned above, most people would prefer to know about any issues rather than imagining a large problem that may actually be minor and be able to be remedied.
What can be done?
The good news is that there are number of things that can be done to reduce both exposure and effects from any radiation that has been identified during a survey.
The following is a list of some of the remedial measures that can be put in place:
- Grounding equipment
- Physical earthing
- Shielding fabrics for beds and curtains
- Shielding materials for switchboards and inverters
- Shielding paints and coatings
- Avoidance of harmful environments
- Cabling for routers rather than WiFi
- Detox from radiation
Exposure to radiation can cause these symptoms:
- Chronic Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Sleep issues / Insomnia
- Anxiety / Depression
- Tinnitus
- Loss of appetite
- Anorexia
- Gut problems
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness / Vertigo
- Disorientation
- Seizures
- Irritability
- Skin inflammation
- Various Cancers
Radiation is emitted from devices including:
- electric vehicles
- power lines
- communications towers
- electricity substations
- cell phones
- laptops
- tablets
- Kindles
- smart watches
- Wi-Fi routers
- servers
- lighting systems
- street lighting
- cordless DECT phones
- microwave ovens
- air conditioners
- printers
- induction cook tops
- electric appliances
- smart meters
- security systems
- medical equipment
- bluetooth devices, such as baby monitors, headphones, AirPods, fitness trackers, keyboards, wireless mice, printers, hearing aids, speakers, gaming consoles and controllers, Amazon Echo, Siri, Google / Alexa-enabled devices,
- smart security devices including cameras and recording equipment
- smart devices including virtually any new TV, smart electric, gas, and water meters, refrigerators and a growing range of other household appliances
4g versus 5G
The rollout of the 5G network, whilst offering improved internet speeds and enabling advanced technology, has raised concerns about exposure and effects.
The small cell boosters for 5G can be seen almost everywhere, appearing on light and power poles. These boxes are used because the 5G frequency - which currently piggybacks on the 4G network does not travel long distances. The 5G frequencies are narrow microwave broadcasts which currently require boosting and connection with other 'cells' to be widely distributed. In fact 5G phone users themselves contribute to adding to the distribution cells and improving the network.
4G is a broad-band of frequencies that has the advantage of being able to broadcast long distances without boosting. On the downside there is not much getting away from its exposure since it can travel through solid materials fairly well.
The 5G signal does not travel far without boosting and does not pass through solid materials - including glass - particularly well. Being in direct line of a 5G signal is not recommended especially since it is in the microwave spectrum.
The property buyer looking at a well treed block even if it is close to a communications tower or nearby small cell boosters will get some protection from 5G.